Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Magnetic Line of Flux

No studies have been done on any type of realistic scale as to all this problems we have with so called Green Power. Let em explain. Being a trained Powerplant "bla bla bla" I am very familiar with what electricity is how it is made and what it can do. Something, and I am going to keep this very brief because "I want you to do the work and see how right I am and how serious this is." Back to subject: when ever you run electricity through a wire it creates magnetic line of flux which is the same thing we have surrounding our earth and thus the N & S poles and all that northern light stuff as well. What none of you are seeing as I do is that the more electricity you produce the larger these fields become and yes they do had negitive effect on one another and on the environment around them. To bring this to a rapid conclustion what I am saying is if we continue on this path we will basicly interrupt the natural lines of flux that controls everythig from weather to ionic disburtion of radiation protection. SO Read MY LIP'S We are going to kill our Earth with Electricity as power grids increase so do the inpact of those lines of flux; not to mention the effect it has on plants and animal life. The next thing I would like a study done on is the heating of citys with large glass buildings the sun hits these building and the heat that is generated is off the scale. maybe we are looking at some of these issues wrong! whats your take?